About Beth Ann Haggerty

Get to know the Founder of A Sound Expression
Beth Ann Haggerty - A Sound Expression


“I always knew I was connected to something bigger and more beautiful…”


An Interview with Beth Ann Haggerty

Learn more about Beth Ann in this fascinating interview.


Q. Beth Ann, tell our readers something more about your “feeling connected to something bigger”.

A. Yes, I’ve always known that I was connected to something bigger and more beautiful. I feel it so strongly in nature and dance – where I would relax and feel held in the beauty and awe of the Universe. I experience childlike wonder, playful, and true pleasure.

Q. That is SO BEAUTIFUL! Tell us more about you.

A. I’d like to share something about my story. Early on it was all about my “lost connection”. I lost trust and faith in myself and the world. Was in denial and suffered greatly from fear of rejection. This unresolved wound determined my trajectory/path.

At 10 years old, after the death of my sister named Joy, I concluded that God was vengeful and I was being punished. I was not good enough -something was deeply wrong with me (linked to being a girl). Concretized a myth -Stuck in denial – belief in separation, and fear: feared I would be punished for self-expression, constantly on lookout for rejection, hiding vulnerabilities. Self-expression would result in abandonment and possibly death if I pushed it too far.

Hoping I would get out of this world alive and return to beauty (not be killed for feeling love and my part in it -tapping into the beautiful world and love I sensed and expressing myself in it) Solution – not express my joy, my heart’s desires.

To stay alive, I would hide and conform, stay under the radar of God, stay strong by hiding my vulnerabilities and become self-less,

Give the limitless, unconditional support I desired – and help protect the vulnerable and weak. I was very smart (used my head strongly), using my limited intuition as a shield to stay safe, perceptive, bold, questioned authority, strongly connected to men (who might protect me). Looked like an independent, “strong” leader…

Q. Please go on.

A. Without inner guidance, followed a “safe and respectable” conventional traditional path. I couldn’t see my way/my path clearly. So I focused on following traditional paths -becoming established – following typical paths to success.

This translated into becoming a psychotherapist, studying dance with Dayton Ballet Company, becoming established. Then I added cutting edge studies – mind/body studies – stress reduction – to deeper energy studies Bioenergetics, Jane Martin, Peter Levine, Continuum, NLP, shamanistic practices in Peru.

I appeared as the established, yet radical alternative. I was extremely dedicated, worked too hard, over-gave to clients and loved ones with – “I’m here for you (won’t abandon you), I am trustworthy”. But I did not trust myself. I ultimately was dependent on others to affirm my value and soothe my anxiety of not feeling safe.

Q. But you were successful.

A. But my success was not sustainable and meaningful. Growing my business and recognition, then unsatisfied, undermining myself through withdrawal.

Developed several businesses over many years –expressive arts, NLP, professional athletes, medical communications – I struggled with perfectionism – maybe I could get this right, but then would feel uninspired and withdraw.

Despite all my accomplishments, felt an underlying deep sadness, little peace or gratitude, incomplete. Terminally unsatisfied – absolutely defended against heartbreak, any possible disappointment or threat from any outside force. But I was doing the destruction to myself. I was determined (in some unconscious, deep recess in my brain) to not put my heart on the line again. To not experience that feeling of joy that guided my early life and happiness (except I could feel joy and lightness when dancing – marking off some safe space, like floating off to heaven when I moved my body).

“Back on the planet”, I felt tired and drained. My discouragement with myself and my life and loss of faith and trust leaked in to personal relationships. I focused on deficiencies and what was missing with family members, partners and friends. I judged myself and others unkindly.

In 2006, advancing physical distress – severe fatigue, pain in joints – several signs of auto immune responses, difficulty walking. But when I danced, I felt free and fine. I was walking in two different worlds.

Q. So, what happened?

A. I let go, got support and took off.

Q. Wow, tell us how.

A. I surrendered to possibility – surrendered to faith. I let go – willing to step out and do something different, vowed to discover what was really true for me. Dared to do the unthinkable, do whatever it takes, walk out of my life – path of freedom. Quit all my businesses – my private practice, my medical communications business, stopped inviting clients. Committed to self-healing and study of energy medicine (Kenji) in Santa Fe. I would tell my husband – I am taking off and not sure when I would be back – “crazy” things!

Q. Indeed!

A. I transformed aspects of myself that feared change. My choice became clear. I realized I could keep slowly dying, killing myself off and leave the planet or re-invent myself. I realized I was caught in endless striving – trying to be good enough, smarter, to be better. Even my spiritual pursuits were based on feeling not enough. Meditation was serious and I had to work hard – getting points for some eventual access to peace. I thought happiness would arrive once I “got it right”. That day would never come.

To break current paradigm, I needed to stop striving, looking for approval from some outside force, or my family or friends. This “not enough” and striving was the problem, towards something outside me. And I was striving because I had lost connection inside, to me and my inherent wisdom.

Just having these insights was not sufficient. I couldn’t shift the paradigm by staying in my head. I needed and gained powerful embodied experiences of love and peace so I could truly transform parts of me that lived in fear.

Q. What did you do?

A. I asked for help and support. I stopped abandoning myself. Committed to being mentored and gained integration and momentum.

Q. And what happened?

A. I made the commitment, received, and flew!

I experienced something deeper than my fears and followed it, increasing trust in myself. Alone, in two week retreat, my awareness was blown open – I was opened to receiving sound and movement and my purpose and unique gift was revealed. I was learning to walk in one world – heaven on earth.

Receiving and stepping up to be the source along with self-nurturance is key. Self-generosity is expansive – that I create from within and feel playful again. No more striving to be enough.

Because I have been through this, I can illuminate the path.

Through this sounding initiation and embodiment processes, you break through restrictive patterns and gain inner trust and guidance- so you receive your greatest gifts, increase your capacity and trust to lead with their heart. You create and design your business around you- what is right for you. You work less, with grace and make more.

Q. Beth Ann, thank you. You are an amazing person. How can people learn more?

A. They can look through my site, of course, and give me a call. I’d be happy to offer a complimentary consultation.


CEO and Founder of A Sound Expression™

Owner and Co-Founder of Patient Success Systems, LLC (Communications Training and Consultation for Executives and Leaders in the Health & Wellness and Medical Industry)

Instructor at the International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine on Strategic Communication

Sports Psychology and Peak Performance Consultant to the Arizona Diamondbacks, University of Arizona Athletics, and ProActive Physical Therapy

International Presenter on Peak Performance

Co-founder of Center for Expressive Arts™

Co-founder of NLP Advantage Group, Inc.

Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Social Worker in private psychotherapy practice for 29 years specializing in mind/body and energy approaches for resolution of chronic pain and health problems, trauma, depression, and anxiety

Member of National Association of Social Workers


Mind & Body approaches

Energy work




Social art


Call Beth Ann to Schedule Your Free Consultation