Linda Bahrami, CMA or CPA
March 2014: 3 sessions in 3 weeks
After a relationship break up, major life transition, and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (a major illness) in midlife, I was looking for a way to connect with myself again and to the bigger picture.
Our three sessions brought great perspective to what I was handling in my life, so I now feel happiness and joy. The work really helped me close the door on old baggage and a chapter of my life and helped me open the door to possibility. The adventure of life was brought back to me as I had parked myself for too long on the sidelines.
After our first session, I was able to close my hands without pain or resistance. This experience helped me see that the rheumatoid arthritis and other “obstacles” are golden opportunities. I am amazed that I am just not okay, but glad for the changes in perception that I have gained with a potentially chronic illness. Rather than fighting the illness, my positive relationship now guides and supports healing and vitality.
Your work definitely helped me blast through complacency in how I had been living. Since our sessions, my motivation increased and remains high to take care of myself on all levels. My physical health has improved quite a bit and the last doctor visit brought a lot of positive feedback. I moved forward with major diet improvements and regular exercise. The important thing about the sessions is realizing how I am really energy – so now I am nurturing myself and expanding my energetic potential by taking dance classes.
The thing that is hard to describe, especially in a concrete fashion, is that you were able to connect me to this tidal force of life or energy that has picked me up and is carrying me forward in a more whole way. The sense of life force within me and around me is helping me to see opportunities that I didn’t see before. It informs what I am doing now as I rearrange myself and my life into a more satisfying experience.
Your work showed me that I am supported by the process of living! Through the sounding process, I gained a state of feeling calm, safe and held. I now have a lot more peace about whatever the future holds as I now feel supported by life.
My level of anxiety has gone down noticeably and fear doesn’t hold me in its grip anymore. I now have a sense of adventure about the future.
You have the gift of healing. During the sessions I felt opened up by the soundings and felt energy becoming unstuck and starting to move. I felt outmoded ways of holding myself or thinking fractured so I could step out of them. First, there was a lot of surprise and shock waves and then absolute soothing in the work.
After our second session, I had my first transcendent experience while hiking in a canyon. I now have a deep physical memory that keeps me aware that we are energy, love, and gratitude. I am exploring ways to amplify my work in these realms. So rather than looking for the “perfect work,” my focus has changed to “What can I do to bring more of these positive qualities into the world through me?” This different perception and tack feels very freeing as I imagine my future.
So in sum, the application of your energy and insight really helped to crack open and shatter the structures I was carrying around that kept me trapped inwardly. Working with you helped accelerate the process of breaking out and moving on to the next period of change and growth. It also made me aware of this other dimension that pervades what we are doing here. I had been out of touch with it for such a long time, and the work brought me back to a sense of being “home” again. Wow! I would not be exaggerating to say it was a life changing experience that I greatly value.
Thanks so much, Beth Ann.